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Is Vaseline Glass Valuable & Safe? What You Should Know

Is Vaseline Glass Valuable & Safe? What You Should Know 1

In this fascinating piece, we will explore the origins, characteristics, and distinctive attributes of Vaseline Glass, providing insights into its charm, importance, Value and safety aspects. 

What Is Vaseline Glass?

Vaseline glass derives its name from its yellowish hue, resembling petroleum jelly. It is also known as uranium glass due to the presence of uranium dioxide in each piece, which imparts the distinct yellow-green color to the glass.

In other countries, the term “Vaseline glass” has different connotations:

  • In Australia, Vaseline glass refers to glass with an opalescent rim. Glass containing uranium is referred to as uranium or citron glass.
  • In the United Kingdom, Vaseline glass denotes opalescent glass. This particular type of Vaseline glass is called “Primrose Pearline.”

In the next section will discuss about ‘Is Vaseline Glass safe or Valuable’? for your information.

Safety of Vaseline Glass

Given the presence of uranium, concerns arise regarding the safety of Vaseline glass. However, when used appropriately, Vaseline glass is safe to have in your home.

Is Vaseline Glass Radioactive?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) categorizes Vaseline glass as among the scarce antiques acknowledged for their radioactivity. The uranium in the glass contributes to its color and renders the glass slightly radioactive.

Vaseline Glass Offers Greater Safety Than Common Household Electronics

Despite containing some degree of radioactivity, Vaseline glass poses no harmful effects on humans. The glow it exhibits is not caused by radiation but by the excitement of electrons in the glass emitting photons under ultraviolet light. In a 2001 report, the U.S. Nuclear Regulation Commission confirmed the safety of Vaseline glass, stating that everyday household electronic items expose individuals to higher radiation levels than displaying Vaseline glass in your home.

Avoid Consuming Food or Beverages from Vaseline Glassware

While radiation levels in Vaseline glass are minimal, the EPA discourages consuming food or beverages from items crafted with this material. There is a slight possibility of ingesting small chips or fragments of the radioactive material.

How to Identify Vaseline Glass

Identifying Vaseline glass primarily relies on its color and its ability to glow under a black light. A popular saying among Vaseline glass collectors is, “If it doesn’t glow green, it’s not Vaseline.” Here are some tips to identify authentic Vaseline glass:

glas vasline
                   Image Credit – jasmiewton

  • Color: Vaseline glass can range from a bright yellow to a greenish-yellow shade.
  • Glow: When exposed to ultraviolet or fluorescent light, authentic Vaseline glass emits a bright green glow.
  • Texture: Vaseline glass is usually translucent and has an “oily” appearance.
  • Category: Vaseline and uranium glass artifacts are frequently discovered in diverse manifestations, including tableware, pitchers, mugs, vintage bottles, vases, chandeliers, jewelry, and figurines.


Is Vaseline Glass Worth or Valuable?

The value of individual pieces of Vaseline glass can vary between $20 and $50, depending on several factors. The condition of the piece plays a significant role, with scratches, chips, and repairs diminishing its value. Older items tend to be more valuable than newer ones, assuming all other factors are equal. Moreover, rare pieces with multiple glass colors or unique designs can command a higher price.

Determining the value of a piece of Vaseline glass can be done by examining recent sales prices for similar items. Here are some examples of Vaseline glass values:

  • A pair of vintage Vaseline glass candlesticks in good condition sold for $40 in April 2021, featuring a simple design.
  • In April 2021, a resplendent Vaseline glass dish, crafted in the elegant shape of a fan and adorned with a captivating decorative motif, commanded a price of approximately $75. The piece was in immaculate condition, adding to its allure and value.
  • An epergne made of multicolored Vaseline glass, resembling three trumpet flowers, sold for over $1,000 in March 2021. Dating back to 1890 and in excellent condition, it commanded a high price.

How to Care for Vaseline Glass?

To properly care for Vaseline glass, consider the following tips:

  • When carrying or moving glassware, use both hands for better support.
  • Use mild soap for washing your old glassware, avoiding bleach.
  • Place a plastic bowl or dishpan in the sink to protect the glassware from impact, or use a towel to line the sink.
  • Clean larger bowls and plates on a flat surface, like your countertop, to avoid accidents.
  • Wash and rinse with lukewarm water, allowing the glass to reach room temperature before cleaning, as drastic temperature changes may cause cracks.
  • Wash glass items individually to prevent clanging.
  • Use a soft lint-free cloth for washing and drying.
  • Let glassware air-dry whenever possible.
  • Never wash antique glassware in a dishwasher.
  • Store antique glassware away from direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions to prevent damage.


Vaseline glass can be used in different types of glassware items such as bottles, cups, vases ,decorative plates and bowls etc. It is also used in jewellery, decorative statues, and chandeliers.

Vaseline glass, a variety of uranium glass, is famous for its distincive yellowish hue, reminiscent of petroleum jelly. It is sometimes referred to as canary glass due to its yellow hue. While there are other types of uranium glass like custard glass, Burmese glass, and jadeite glass, they are different from Vaseline glass.


If you are looking for ‘Is Vaseline glass safe? ‘ here is the answer – Extensive studies conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2001 indicate that Vaseline glass exposes its owner to only 4 millirems of radiation per year, which is approximately 1% of the radiation that an average person encounters annually. Therefore, owning Vaseline glass is considered safer than owning many household electronics.


No, not all yellowish-green bottles or containers are Vaseline glass. Many different additives, such as iron oxide, chromium, lead, and copper, can give glass a yellowish-green or green tint. To confirm if a glass is Vaseline glass, a UV light test is effective – if it glows a fluorescent green, it is likely Vaseline glass.

While Depression glass and Vaseline glass share some characteristics, they are distinct. Most Depression glass contains uranium but also includes iron oxide, resulting in a greener hue compared to Vaseline glass. Collectors must be cautious not to confuse the two, as Depression glass is generally less valuable than Vaseline glass.

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