1.Invisible Tripod Technique:  Use your headphones' volume buttons as a shutter release for steadier shots, mimicking the functionality of a tripod's remote.

2.Bokeh on a Budget:  Achieve a stunning background blur (bokeh) by placing a small drop of water over your smartphone camera lens.

3.DIY Lightbox Magic:  Create a DIY lightbox using a translucent plastic container to diffuse light, making small subjects appear more professional.

4.Prism Play:  Experiment with a small optical prism in front of your lens to add unique and captivating light flares and reflections.

5.Double Exposure Illusion:  Merge two different images by using your smartphone's multiple exposure feature, adding an artistic and surreal touch.

6.Smartphone Flash Diffuser:  Soften the harsh light of your phone's flash by taping a small piece of white tissue paper over it for more flattering portraits.

7.Texture Trick:  Capture intricate textures by placing a transparent plastic bag over your smartphone lens for an ethereal and dreamy effect.

8.Reverse Lens Hack:  Attach a magnifying glass to your smartphone's camera lens with a rubber band to capture mind-bending macro shots.

9.360° Panorama Tips:  For a unique twist on panoramas, try shooting vertically or creating a tiny planet effect with specialized app

10.Infrared Magic:  Convert your old smartphone into an infrared camera by removing its infrared filter, revealing a hidden world of light invisible to the human eye.